TONIGHT - LIVE podcast supershow for Harris and the House
Taking Down Trump joins forces with other top podcasters and creators, Avengers-style, for the mother of all livestreams -- #HeroesForDemocracy, 8-10 pm ET.
Now here’s a big announcement: I’m joining forces with an all-star cast of pro-democracy voices to run the mother of all livestreams, Heroes for Democracy. It’s a superfriends, Avengers-style show bringing together a dozen of your favorite creators.
I’m co-hosting with JojoFromJerz and BrooklynDadDefiant, and we’ll be joined by Brian Tyler Cohen, Allison Gill, Anthony Scaramucci, Glenn Kirschner, Martina Navratilova, Stephanie Miller, Ty Ross, D. Knight, and Lauren Windsor.
Plus we’ll have another equally amazing show next Tuesday, October 29.
Both shows will also be posted as episodes on the Taking Down Trump podcast, about a day or so after each livestream.
You can watch this on my channels on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook.
And you can give your donation at, where we’ve already raised over $111,000 and counting.
Finally: if you share any posts on this (and I hope you do!), we’re all using the hashtag #HeroesForDemocracy.
Thanks and hope to have your support! heroesfordemocracy - the site can’t be reached.