Great piece and thanks for the number!

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Most journalists (I'm happy to be corrected) are missing the low-hanging fruit in the form of a question dangling right in front of them:

Are the gifts to Thomas and Scalia considered taxable income? And if yes, were those gifts declared and taxes paid in a timely manner?

Audit their asses. Now.

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Senator Durbin is my State Senator. I agree with much of what he does, but in this case @SenatorDurbin, you have sorely disappointed me. I will be phoning his office.

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Gosh, I wish Durbin would bring as much enthusiasm to his job on the Judiciary Committee as he does advocating for Bibi and the Likudniks

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When billionaire Harlan Crow buys a trip of Clarence Thomas in exchange for favours, it is absolutely synonymous with asking southern racist asking a black man to shine his shoes.

Clarence Thomas is a grifter, a sexist, an embarrassment to everything honourable Americans hold precious and a total sell-out to every equity seeking person, in every ghetto and tenement in America.

It was always about more than a pubic hair on a soda can!

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Although that may have been the canary in the coal mine, so to speak

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Thanks for the great read on this slow moving disaster. Why isn’t everyone taking this more seriously?

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Never used on them.

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Durban should be replaced with someone who will do the job that is also a good lawyer with good experience.

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Edit out the first “have” “…. indeed, the “friend” and his other “friends” all have seem to have a common purpose “ OR add “ed” to seem

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Yes! On another note: painting or photo dressed up to look like a painting? Other than a signature, there is nothing that identifies this pictorial as a painting made by human hands. Why do I care? Because it looks more like AI, which is more reprehensible and is a slippery slope in itself!

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did you read the caption? It's a painting by Sharif Tarabay.

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Yes. Of course! I get the significance of the image. Didn’t need it to know Thomas is slimy. Remember Anita Hill? Signature means nothing.

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Now let's see you write about Biden's graft and the millions received from foreign countries. Or are you simply doing the bidding of those trying to rid the court of the smartest jurist?

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Please turn off FOX News.

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Maybe you need to review Law Ethics 101.

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Go play in traffic, maggat

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Hey John, um...did you know that House Republicans investigated Biden for over three years in an attempt to find grounds to impeach him. Well, guess what they found? Nothing, Zero, nadda. Perhaps you have some information they haven’t uncovered. However, I seriously doubt it. 🙄😎

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John W—if you really believe Thomas is the smartest jurist I… can’t continue as I’m LMFAO! Jesus, man, turn off Faux News. You will be amazed at what the real world is like.

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