Tristan, I follow you on all platforms I am on. We are on fixed income and I cannot express my appreciation of your free access. What we can do is double down on sharing truth on these platforms. Instead of leaving, I will post the good news of democracy! The fools will be coming around when they lose the little they have! Welcome 20.00 eggs 🤣

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Thank you for providing hope in a desperate situation. I believe we will get through this, but since I’m old, I’m not sure I’ll be around to see it. I have great grandchildren for whom I really need to get back to democracy. Some of their parents voted for the felon, but the children shouldn’t have to suffer because their parents didn’t do their due diligence.

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We have to get our senators to say no way. I drafted a letter to your senator for you. It is something I do well for others. Fill in names and address.


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I too am unable to lend support. Can someone make application to the Democratic billionaires (I know they’re there) for the vast support needed to counteract R wing media?

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I will be upgrading my subscription to paid. I’ve been enjoying supporting all my favorite Substack authors in lieu of legacy media.

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Terrific piece today, Tristan, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍

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I am usually fairly technologically savvy, but I have struggled to become a paid subscriber to your Substack. It can’t be done through the app (even though they have a button that says Manage Subscription). I get your Substack through my email as well but there is only the option to subscribe or unsubscribe. Do you have a website so that I can upgrade to paid. Thanks

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Just found the way to upgrade on your website.

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I notice that if I use the words Democratic propaganda in our need to reach the masses, Dems recoil as if it is a bad thing-"propaganda". Although the dictionaries say propaganda is a use of ideas to further a cause and to spread rumor against ...the main definition is to use ideas and words to further a cause. We can engage in "propaganda" as Dems without resorting to rumors and innuendos. We can change the thinking of millions by allowing them in ways they already access to understand the progressive ideas we espouse. We must get into the trenches if we are to win the battle against fascism. The adage that Michelle Obama used years ago "when they go low, we go high" was just another attempt to keep the hoi polloi (the many) from accessing the righteous feelings they have after the battering we have been taking at the hands of a mad man. It is good she eschewed it at the convention this year. Thank you for continuing the fight.

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Tristan, the most important thing is for us not to lose our hold on reality. I have heard Republican legislators expound on Trump's political savvy… how his plans for this country are based on high-minded ideals. I have heard Democratic legislators describe how Biden should pardon Trump so we can "put this behind us."

With your help, we must remember that everything Trump does or says, has only one motivation, to aggrandize himself and demean everybody else on the planet. He is a megalomaniacal, self-serving, vicious conman who gets what he wants by threatening and terrorizing others. We need media to call this out daily lest we become inured to the suffering he causes.

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