Thank you for taking the time to tell us it is possible. Most of all you give me and many others hope in our Democracy. Our better angels are showing up. ✌️

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The Stormy documentary really lays out the Trump playbook too. It's all the same moves, all the time.

Really appreciate all you've done, and continue to do, for folks!

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Bravo! You're an inspiration, Tristan & a lesson in ethics & commitment to your job. So hard as a prosecutor to take on the case that's been sitting around. I had one of those. Started a new prosecutor job with 35 complainants who'd been screwed by the same atty. The files occupied both guest chairs in my cramped office & had been passed around & around until they were stacked in the "new one's" office. FINE. I got this! I dug & dug & dug. I learned a ton about immigration law from a very patient expert. Dusted off my high school Spanish, but was so grateful for a bilingual investigator who'd work very long hours with me conducting interviews. Had to convince people I wasn't secretly working for DHS. I, too, got my guy - especially satisfying bc he took advantage of dozens of the most vulnerable people (in my case, immigrants to whom he'd promised legal status if only they'd cough up enough money). My guy was also a total fraud, selling total b.s. And when - not if - his clients got deported, he grinned his Grinchy grin, pocketed the $ & said ADIOS. At least I could get them their money back to use toward their legitimate appeals AND get that guy's license to practice law revoked. He was no Trump, but getting that measure of justice for his victims was very sweet indeed. What you did, under the circumstances of your environment, was downright heroic.

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I shiver at the thought of this predator escaping the law over and over again… and walking into the People’s House a second time.

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Yay for Tristan Snell on Substack!! ❤️🤩🙏

Read it!!

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I’m hooked! Ready to read the rest!

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Thanks for renewing my faith in the justice system, Tristan. It can and more importantly, it WILL be done and the lifelong grifter will be punished.

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Fascinating take on your experiences with “-“(45). He ruins everything he touches, leaving a trail of destruction behind his heels. I have hope that there are more of us that still believe in the idea of democracy.


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Thanks for putting yourself into the place of others, and letting them tell their stories. Horrifying to see that SO many who could ill afford even the most basic fees, were scammed with no thought to them as humans. It has become so familiar a story with him.

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The except has wetted my appetite for your book. I’ll be getting it tomorrow morning.

Thank you for taking on Trump and his leg nag him to account!

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Thank you for this extremely well written and thorough expose of the grift and con in today's society.

It has blatantly infected the upper layers of this economy which lay so heavily on low and middle income families.

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Try Soros. He has way more support

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Reading it now!

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Ordered!! Looks like an excellent read.

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…hahahahaha he’s still free as a bird and running for fucking president and you have a book on “taking him down” ?

…how pathetic this stupid country is

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One step at a time.

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…hahahahahahaha you really have no clue what’s going on do you ?

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Actually I stay very well informed. But I refuse to give up the fight. Sinking into cynical pessimism won’t help. There are plenty of great people determined to save democracy.

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…how ? …what exactly those “great people” who’s saving democracy ?

…and why them and not you ? …and if you’ll ask why not me - that’s what i’m doing, i’m trying hard to make people think, i’d go to every protest, but so far only NAZIS are marching, it’s not the matter that you are informed or not, it’s that life is not on the internet and social media, NAZIS are taking over our country state by state and school district by school district WITHOUT ANY RESISTANCE, well…

…if country allows a dictator to become a dictator after he said he will be a dictator, then a country deserves a dictator

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