(jusancgal46) a Twitter follower Congratulations on leaving the idiotic format that Twitter has become. Too bad the name wasn't the only thing he changed. There are many of us out here that may never be alright again, even if he's put in a cell today! My daughter & I are sort of in a cold war now because she has been pro -tfg/totus. The sad part is that I haven't been able to find out why. She's a smart woman, well respected, a college graduate, a nurse. I don't get it & I can tell that she doesn't get why I'm anti -tfg/totus. I keep hoping & praying that one day we'll be ok again. Anyway, just one more reason why neither money nor prison will ever heal what he's done to many of us.

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Yes…the why is enigma. Some are just prisoners of their own ego-centric, narrowly based, survival patterns, and there are many more of them than meets the eye. I am 85 years old, the last of my family of origin. It is painful to see that such persons are in my family and it separates us at the core…just when we need each other the most.

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I followed you on the site formerly known as Twitter, but left there when the white supremacist bought it. Glad to follow you here. Substack has its problems, but it’s better than the other platforms, at least for now.

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What problems, Paula? I find myself quite attracted to the platform, for reasons well-stated by Tristan.

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I agree with you and get all my news from Substack. This link is what I’m referring to: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=substack+allows+white+supremacist+content&ia=web

I don’t want to get into a discussion about it. Clarifying what I meant.

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So glad to join the “stop Trump”movement. Not only must be held accountable for all his “business” cons and treasonous actions, we must figuratively annihilate him. The act of imprisoning him for his crimes against America is the ultimate goal but we must also smash to pieces the idolatry (myths) surrounding him. As long as he has access to social media (hopefully Truth Social will collapse in on itself.)his cult members will be like zombies doing his bidding.

This is critical for our democracy.

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Tristan I’m so glad you are on Substack!! 😊

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Migrating from Twitter/X/ whatever.

Schrodinger's Documents is my handle there..

Any chance you team up with, say, Lev Parnas as he maps out his anti-Trump summer?

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I think Lev is shooting for a higher format.

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Not sure what you mean by higher format, but we need unity, consensus and numbers- spokespeople with varied talents working together to save democracy

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YES WE CAN … VOTE full house 💙BLUE2024💙🙏🏻💙🙏🏻💙

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I’m Canadian but following very closely what’s going on. My father and uncle were WW2 veterans of the British Navy and spent the last 3.5 years of their service in Japanese prison camps in Burma. Were it not for USA intervention they were slated for firing squads. I can feel my father rolling in his grave about what the Orange Lunatic and others in the world are attempting. God bless America and God bless all of you who are holding the torch for freedom and sanity. 🙏🏼❤️

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Welcome to Substack! Over the last year, I’ve seen your appearances on various podcasts, and appreciate all that you’ve done/you’re doing in the midst of our exceptionally trying times. Our democracy needs all of us. I look forward to future newsletters!

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Ain't it the truth.🇺🇸💙

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Thank you for your service, Mr. Snell!

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I am SO disheartened by what our “Supreme court” has become. Clarence Thomas should be forced to resign for starters. I wish our forefathers had been more paranoid about what could happen with the Supreme Court and out in some type of oversight on them! They certainly need it. But then again in their defense? I never thought I’d see my fellow “Americans” become such traitors and push a Russian living agenda and voting /supporting criminals! It saddens me deeply that my grandson and adult children will long have to deal with this issue long after I’m gone. I PRAY that this gets addressed and turned around ASAP!

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Tristan, so glad you’re here. I was never in Twitter/Twatter or even Threads (can barely keep up with IG). Welcome! Yay for us, and democracy! #slavaukraini #democracyoverfacism #democracyoverautocracy #democracyovertheocracy #democracyoverracism

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Thank you for this space I’m terrified that Trump may win 2024. How is this even possible that he is the Republican candidate after we voted him out of office? If he wins we will no longer be the United States of America. It is truly frightening.

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I am thrilled to find you here! Hurray!

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"Take Down Trump"

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

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Thank you Tristan.

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TDT is very vital and would very like it to succeed, despite the heavily stacked odds. Sometimes justice takes it own sweet time and course.

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