Wouldn’t another federal crime such as election interference which is what this ultimately boils down to (IMO)be considered.

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If convicted here or there, too many to count, will he ever be locked up in ANY KIND of facility? Please give me the correct answer…

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No. Maybe a fine. I say give him a 25K salary and stick him in low income housing. No benefits.

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I hope the media pushes back if Trump tries to play the" Biden's weaponization of the system card".

This investingation began under Trump's timeline adm.,

not BIDEN'S.,media should state that.Also not everyone is on cable networks(which is preaching to the choir).

Need to get this news on major networks,ABC ect .

Eveytime Trump falsely blames,tgen Bidenm adm.,needs to push back with simple credible facts and Trump to own his part.As in Trump's Abortion Ban,or Trump Pauses Border Solution.

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My head is 😵‍💫 spinning! What seemed so simple: - the orange moron falsified business records to hide hush money paid to a woman he slept with (🤮) so America wouldn’t know or be influenced about his little tryst during a critical election period. I definitely agree it isn’t about the hush money - it is all the other really criminal elements. But my goodness! It’s a lot! Thanks for yr newsletter and good explanations regarding all the legal stuff! I’m finding so much great info on Substack! Thanks again and pace yourself- take care of yrself! We’re not going anywhere!👍🏿

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If convicted and ultimately locked up, how does his Secret Service detail tag along?

Would they share a cell?

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I’d say his detail should be dissolved and he should experience prison the same as any other felon.

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If he is found guilty in this case, will he go to jail? Or will he be able to stay out of jail because he’s running for president and because “he is above the law”.

Will it be Rikers Island?

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He’ll never go to a real jail.

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Yup! Felonies

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I see now. Thank you for explaining. He’s going to get off, again.

You or I would not, but he is.

Well, then.

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He will get off

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“unreported in-kind Gift…”. FROM COHEN?

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Haven’t Read it yet…Mention of doldrums stopped me! I had them too…Lots of Projects laid out strewn through out my House! My Dogs didn’t mind, so there was That! Tried a Brain Food(?) by Pure Health Research and wiped away lethargy. BAM BAM BAM…I’m looking to start More Projects! Then I’ll go

Now I’ll go Back and Read! ;)

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Nothing like a Hanging Sentence…

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In that part of this long-extended “crime-spree” involved deliberate actions taken while IT (Insane Trump) was Sitting in The Oval Office, I am left wondering why a D.C. Court is not involved in that aspect of the Federal Violations that clearly exist! And I have that exact same question on the documents case. The crime was committed in Washington DC, no not the bulk of it, but that’s where the bulk of the classified documents were taken from. He may have been disseminated them from Mar-a-Lago, but where did he originally find them for that use?

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Agreed that the documents were taken in DC. But they were *retained* in Florida. And that's the crime that's the easiest to charge on the evidence they have. That crime - retention of defense documents - requires that the documents were requested to be returned but the defendant knowingly retained them anyway. That's exactly what happened with Trump. It's a total slam dunk. So I can see why they decided they needed to bring the case in Florida, but it's just highly unfortunate that Judge Cannon has the case (although I remain stubbornly optimistic that eventually she will be forced to let this go to trial, and a jury will convict on at least some of the counts).

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And I’m gonna be stubbornly optimistic as well, and say that it’s some juncture the theft from the White House itself needs to be addressed in a Court of competent jurisdiction. And just where would that be? Will that be addressed by Cannon? Having a rich history down in Florida since 1961 after my mother got transferred from Langley down to the Cape with NASA personnel, I know from Columbia. So much pot and cocaine down there corrupted us so long ago. I started running away at age 13 in 1968. I was even sex trafficked into rock ‘n’ roll travel by Gary Propper, the former famous surfboard maker and world class surfer, who turned into a concert and entertainment promoter…Propper was also who brought us Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the big screen, it was his idea to make them larger than life. And Cowabunga was a very popular surfers saying back in the 60s. In fact, in the 1970s I worked for the Cocoa Beach State Bank when Tom Dolan was the President of that entity, and became Mayor of Cocoa Beach at some point … who also happened to be quite the prolific Coke Dealer!

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Whichever has the least real consequences

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